[Lazarus] fpGUI

Kjow antispammoni at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 16:41:12 CET 2011

Hi all,

I'm testing fpGUI on Lazarus and following the link:
(step 3.1)

It installed "like a charm" and projects build well.

Projects start with Win9x-like theme, but I read that I can make
working current OS theme (XP -> 7, "Ubuntu", etc)... how can I do

Is there a tutorial to learn how to use more deeply fpGUI with Lazarus
(but starting from the basics)?

I noticed that GLScene ( svn co
https://glscene.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/glscene/trunk GLScene )
hasn't the "widget" part to work. I don't know where to start, but
maybe for Graeme or lot of you is a trivial thing...

This is the part (I think) of GLWidgetContext.pas that should be
modified, at my eyes it seems that it simply needs to add some unit,
but I really don't know:

{$IF  DEFINED(LCLwin32) or DEFINED(LCLwin64)}
  Controls, WSLCLClasses, Win32Int,
  Win32WSControls, Win32Proc, LCLMessageGlue;

gtk2proc, gtk2, gdk2, gdk2x, gtk2def;

gtkproc, gtk, gtkdef, gdk;

QT4, QTWidgets;
{$IFDEF LCLfpgui}
{$MESSAGE Warn 'LCLfpgui: Needs to be implemented'}
{$IFDEF LCLwinse}
{$MESSAGE Warn 'LCLwinse: Needs to be implemented'}
{$IFDEF LCLcarbon}
//    {$MESSAGE Warn 'LCLcarbon: Needs to be implemented'}

Thank you,

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