[Lazarus] fpGUI for the LCL on x86 Linux, and standalone on SPARC Solaris 10

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Thu Jan 13 15:08:45 CET 2011

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

 > It is a very long mail thread. Maybe you can summarize the problem?

I've got a number of machines here on which I've got a copy of FPC 2.4.2 
which will build itself, which I think confers a reasonable level of 
confidence on the compiler and libraries.

Where these machines are based on Linux, in most cases Debian "Etch" or 
"Squeeze", I've also compiled Lazarus (currently 0.9.29 28906) without 
problems. All paths are set up so that Lazarus can find the appropriate 
compiler binary and sources, there's adequate disc space and on relevant 
systems adequate RAM.

I've got absolutely no experience with fpGUI, until yesterday I'd never 
attempted to use it so I've got no preexisting files or paths "hanging 

Using the instructions at 
http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/fpGUI_Interface i.e. with 3x 
symlinks, I cannot add fpGUI to the available LCLs; the Lazarus message 
window gives me

fpguiint.pp(42,12) Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_main used by fpguiint

I've checked file/directory ownership and access rights and can't see 
anything wrong. I've also tried adding this as suggested by Graeme:

4) This is a temporary work-around until Lazarus is updated:
    $ cd /home/graemeg/programming/fpgui/src
    $ cp ./VERSION_FILE.inc corelib/

I've also tried  make LCL_PLATFORM=fpgui lcl  but it appeared to fail 

I can build the UI designer using

    cd <fpgui>/uidesigner
    fpc @extrafpc.cfg uidesigner.lpr

or as a Lazarus project, but even after doing that I still can't build 
the LCL.

All above relates to x86 Linux.

As noted, I've been tinkering with SPARC Solaris 10 and have an FPC 
2.4.2 that can build itself (plus some but not all packages). However on 
this I can't even build fpGUI using a command line (above) plus -vt, 
eventually getting

Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_main used by uidesigner
Fatal: Compilation aborted

i.e. similar to what I see when trying to build LCL+fpGUI.

If nobody has any blinding revelations at this point I'd really rather 
not push it. FPC appears to be working on Solaris 10 but Lazarus with 
the standard LCL won't due to missing libraries. I'll investigate a 
later Solaris presently but not immediately.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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