[Lazarus] event code tool compilation error

fluisgirardi at gmail.com fluisgirardi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 17:11:01 CET 2011


Some hours ago, I updated my lazarus version via svn. After wait it
completes, I tried rebuild Lazarus without success. The error is

Compiling eventcodetool.pas
eventcodetool.pas(127,9) Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but "," found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: ** [codetools.ppu] Erro 1
make[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/fabiolg/lazarus/components/codetools'
make[1]: ** [codetools_all] Erro 2
make[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/fabiolg/lazarus/components'
make: ** [components] Erro 2
fabiolg at darkstar3:~/lazarus$

I see the file and I found this:

  MethodKindAsString: array[TMethodKind] of shortstring = (
        'procedure', 'function', 'constructor', 'destructor',
        'class procedure', 'class function'
        {$IFNDEF VER2_4}
        ,'class constructor', 'class destructor'
        {$IFDEF VER2_5}
        ,'operator overload'

but I can't see anything wrong...

I searched the wiki and the bugtracker, but I found anything. On
google, on some pages is wrote that to solve this, I have to update my
FPC (my previous version of FPC is 2.5.1 of november of 2010). I
updated it but the error persists.

Some Idea?


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