[Lazarus] fpGUI

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 11:12:09 CET 2011

Op 2011-01-06 10:41, Mark Morgan Lloyd het geskryf:
> Which I suspect is not a viable option for comparative beginners (at 
> least as far as Lazarus is concerned) such as Bo and myself, and which 
> potentially makes it far more difficult for other users to help with 
> problems.

Not quite sure why you say "more difficult"? To write applications for LCL
or fpGUI, you need to type text into the source editor. :) For UI
Designing, do it via code, or the easy way, using a UI designer. Both LCL
and fpGUI has visual UI designers (and fpGUI's one integrates well with
Lazarus IDE): click to select a new widget, click on designer form to place
it, drag and resize the widget to desired location and size, then save
form. That's all pretty easy to me. Yes fpGUI has differences, just like
LCL has differences to VCL - but overall, things work much the same (same
programming language, similar components, similar events, etc).

Here is a short animated gif showing form designing with fpGUI's UI
Designer. 1 minute screencast, 1.1MB download.


> for some reason your postings are appearing without line breaks, i.e. 
> each para is on a single long line.

That's weird. I use Mozilla Thunderbird, and sometimes Gmail web - both
very common email clients. Maybe your email client (Icedove?) doesn't
support flow-wrapping (text gets auto wrapped by email client - no hard
line breaks). Flow-wrapping (or whatever it is called) is quite common
these days, and used by most email clients.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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