[Lazarus] invisible break points??

Pew (piffle.the.cat) piffle.the.cat at iinet.net.au
Sat Jan 8 06:18:00 CET 2011

Hi Martin,

On 01/08/2011 11:04 AM, Martin wrote:
> On 07/01/2011 22:59, David Emerson wrote:
>> I'm attaching some debug output. One of the logs was an execution 
>> with no
>> breakpoints (view>  debug info>  breakpoints list is empty; also the 
>> lpi file
>> has no breakpoints) and in the other execution I created one breakpoint.
>> In the execution with no breakpoints, everything went smoothly.
>> In the execution with the one breakpoint, the program stopped at 
>> debug log line
>> 186,
>> *stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",bkptno="38", [...]
>> (gdb)
let's actually try helping the OP, Martin.

Martin, please post the procedure up to the point where the code stops. 
And under the list where it stops paste the error  message from the View 
/ Messages window and some "^^^^^^^" to point to the code. That will help.

Also, try to set a breakpoint one line BEFORE where you have the 
breakpoint set, as I believe that this is most likely the line where you 
code is crashing. The press F7 to step into the code and see what is 
going on. That way you will be able to watch what is really going on.

Good luck and happy debugging. All of this talk about how the debugger 
works is not helping Martin, who only has one breakpoint set.

Best Regards,

>> However, when I say the "program stopped", lazarus did not behave as 
>> if it had
>> encountered a breakpoint. The lazarus main and source windows did not 
>> raise; in
>> the source editor, the line with the breakpoint is marked with a red 
>> highlight
>> and checkmark, not with a blue highlight and arrow. Pressing F9 
>> (while focused
>> on the source window) has no effect whatsoever. The call stack window 
>> is empty,
>> and the gdb debug output window does not show any stack info, either.
> Hm, I guess part of the problem is that console output of the 
> application does not work well with gdb. It seems to mix with the gdb 
> output....
> From your log:
> =====  
> Databas*stopped,reason="breakpoint-hit",bkptno="38",thread-id="1",frame={addr="0x08073656",func="T_COMMAND_WINDOW__DO_MY_THING_BUTTON_PRESS",args=[{name="SENDER",value="0xb76998e0"},{name="this",value="0xb7861f10"}],file="ab_fpgui_types_unit.inc",fullname="/ab/Pascal/ab_fpgui_types_unit.inc",line="230"}
> (gdb)
> the msgs from gdb goes on the same line, as the app's output.
> There is nothing the IDE can do, it has no chance of  identifying the 
> gdb output, or knowing there was a breakpoint...

In my opinion, the program crashes then hits the breakpoint, so Martin 
needs to set the breakpoint a single line of code earlier and press F7.

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