[Lazarus] Compile time errors. Error: Duplicate identifier "Fragments" line 21 and AnsiStrings question.

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Sat Jan 8 13:09:29 CET 2011

On 08/1/11 10:13, Pew (piffle.the.cat) wrote:
> Hi Lazarus list,
> I currently have 2 issues:
> 1) How do I define fragments_to_eggs_subrange which is an enumerated
> portion of green_types.
> 2) How do I define a constant array of strings //
> string_stunned_the_green_message, etc

You want the following:

   green_types = ( Fragments, Babies, Adults, Eggs, Group_of_Green_things );

   fragments_to_eggs_subrange = Fragments..Eggs;

   GreenTypeStrings : array[green_types] of string =
     (' stunned the Fragment', ' stunned the Baby', ' stunned the Adult',
     ' stunned the Egg', ' stunned the Group of Green Things');



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