[Lazarus] Namespace

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Mon Jan 10 20:57:43 CET 2011

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Michael Van Canneyt
<michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
> The prefix is not needed. It makes it easier, but is by no means a
> requirement, as long as you keep the unit names separate.
> Compare
>  Edit1 : myedit.tedit
> to
>  Edit1 : tmyedit
> In the second case, you'll cover 99% of all cases.
> If by any chance there is an overlap, then the first scenario
>  edit1 : myedit.tmmyedit
> is still an option.

Right! But you saw what I written in first mail of this thread?
"If units are namespaces, why not use them in widgets declarations,
automatic, in Lazarus?
When we droped a widget in a Form, ie a TEdit, the declarion would be like this:
TForm1 = class(Form)
 Edit1: StdCtrls.TEdit;

I talked about the Lazarus put the unit name like a prefix in all classes.

Marcos Douglas

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