[Lazarus] Forum under attack

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Wed Jan 12 12:33:27 CET 2011

Howard Page-Clark wrote:

>> What does a(2, 3) return?
> Mark I think you can do better than that!
> Assuming you meant to write
> function d(c, b: integer): integer; etc.
> it is still a nonsense, a function that tries to alter non-var 
> parameters and has an undefined result.
> It's OK to give newcomers to the forum a slight hurdle before entry, but 
> not to offer them this sort of hopeless hoop that can't be jumped 
> through, and suggests that the users of the forum can't write valid Pascal!

What I'd intended to write was

function a(b, c: integer): integer;

   function d(c, b: integer): integer;

     d:= c + b

   a:= d(c, c)

However the problem itself would obviously be machine-generated from a 
set of templates, I'm not suggesting this as The Test.

For various reasons I couldn't cut and paste that example from where I'd 
checked it. Thank you but I think one person (Lance) pointing out that 
I'd got it wrong is entirely adequate.

My apologies for wasting bandwidth.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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