[Lazarus] fpGUI

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 22:52:15 CET 2011

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 17:26 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Reverting to Linux and trying to build with fpGUI from inside the LCL, I 
> get stuck at
> fpguiint.pp(42,12) Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_main used by fpguiint
> Symlinks (3x) appear OK- have I missed something obvious like a prebuild 
> stage?

No idea. I just updated my Lazarus (trunk) and fpGUI (master) on my home
laptop. I used FPC 2.4.3 (32-bit).

Here are the steps I took:

1) $ cd ~/programming/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/
2) $ ln -s /home/graemeg/programming/fpgui/src/corelib/ corelib
3) $ ln -s /home/graemeg/programming/fpgui/src/gui/ gui
4) This is a temporary work-around until Lazarus is updated:   
   $ cd /home/graemeg/programming/fpgui/src
   $ cp ./VERSION_FILE.inc corelib/
5) Run Lazarus, then "Tools > Configure build lazarus" In the "Parts"
   set all radio buttons under the "none" column. 
6) Set LCL under the "build" column.
7) Select "fpgui" in the LCL Widget Type combobox.
8) Click the "Build" button.


I created a simple test project with some of the Standard components,
selected fpGUI as the widget type and it compiled and run successfully.

There is no need to "pre-compile" the fpGUI source code. When compiling
LCL-fpGUI, Lazarus finds and compiles the fpGUI code too.

 - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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