[Lazarus] fpGUI

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 14:15:17 CET 2011

Op 2011-01-13 14:50, Mark Morgan Lloyd het geskryf:
> I think it might be related to compiler path expansion. Above was on x86
> Linux, Debian "Lenny" or "Squeeze".
> If I try compiling on SPARC Solaris, again using your  fpc @extrafpc.cfg
> uidesigner.lpr  plus FPC's -vt option, then I again get
> Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_main used by uidesigner
> Fatal: Compilation aborted

>From the command line, the 'extrafpc.cfg' file specifies the unit search
path (-Fu parameter) by using the FPC macro $fpctarget. It will point to
a directory inside <fpgui>/lib/xxx-yyy/ using a relative path.

I have the following directories in my '<fpgui>/lib' directory:


Obviously on a SPARC Solaris system the TargetCPU and TargetOS will have
different values to those listed above. So make sure the appropriate
directory exists inside the <fpgui>/lib directory. I think the
<fpgui>/src/build.sh script should have created it for you, but then
again, I have never tested it under Solaris.

ummm, then again, if the directory did not exist, then the initial
compilation of the framework should have failed too... :-/

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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