[Lazarus] fpGUI

Andreas Schneider aksdb at gmx.de
Mon Jan 10 19:27:05 CET 2011

 On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 13:26:03 +0100, Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 01/10/2011 12:56 PM, Sven Barth wrote:
>> This approach is only needed if you want to design pure fpGUI 
>> applications (and don't want to use the external designer provided by 
>> fpGUI). This is not needed when using fpGUI as a LCL widgetset.
> Right now (not having done any testing) I don't see for what a mixed
> fpGUI and - say- gtk would make sense.

 What are you talking about? I think you still don't understand what the 
 LCL is.
 Imagine the LCL as a frontend. It has several backends it can choose 
 from - but only one at a time. One of them is GTK, another is GTK2, yet 
 another Win32 and in the future maybe fpGUI. That has nothing to do with 
 mixing anything. fpGUI would operate on a whole other level than the LCL 
 in that case.

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