[Lazarus] fpGUI for the LCL on x86 Linux, and standalone on SPARC Solaris 10

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 21:55:49 CET 2011

Hi Mark

> /export/home/local-share/fpgui/fpgui-0.7/lib/sparc-solaris/fpg_x11.o(.text+0x10f0):
> In function
> : undefined reference to `Xutf8LookupString'
> plus three more referring to the same function. It looks as though that's
> aliased straight into libX11, presumably Sun's X11 doesn't have the UTF8
> entry points.

The fpg_x11.pas unit also contains a XmbLookupString() function
definition - using the same parameters as the UTF8 function. In a
pinch, try and replace all the Xutf8LookupString calls with the
XmbLookupString calls. Text input might give issues, but displaying
text and widget paint should still work.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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