[Lazarus] fpGUI for the LCL on x86 Linux, and standalone on SPARC Solaris 10

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Sat Jan 15 15:52:58 CET 2011

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
>> Hi Mark
>>> /export/home/local-share/fpgui/fpgui-0.7/lib/sparc-solaris/fpg_x11.o(.text+0x10f0):> 
>>> In function> 
>>> undefined reference to `Xutf8LookupString'>> plus three more 
>>> referring to the same function. It looks as though that's> aliased 
>>> straight into libX11, presumably Sun's X11 doesn't have the UTF8> 
>>> entry points.
>> The fpg_x11.pas unit also contains a XmbLookupString() 
>> functiondefinition - using the same parameters as the UTF8 function. 
>> In apinch, try and replace all the Xutf8LookupString calls with 
>> theXmbLookupString calls. Text input might give issues, but 
>> displayingtext and widget paint should still work.
> OK, it compiles and runs with that hack- at least enough to prove the 
> concept. Icons on buttons representing controls are missing and text in 
> open file dialog is about 1pt (text on normal controls etc. OK)- I'm 
> definitely not trying to find fault here, since I think being able to 
> bring it up on a new OS that easily shows your code in a very favourable 
> light.

On ReactOS I see the same problem with the icons on the buttons, but the 
open file dialog text is OK.

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