[Lazarus] fpGUI

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sun Jan 16 17:18:57 CET 2011

Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:

> Lets say the Form unit is called frm_main.pas, it will have a structure
> as follows:
This code is not very compatible with the new AutoSize, and may cause 
other problems.

But this should not be a problem, as long as the code generator and LCL 
is provided and maintained by the same "authority".

> AfterCreate is a virtual method that gets called in a base form class in
> the AfterConstructor method.

What about code in FormCreate?

> You will also notice that the UI components are placed inside the
> Private section of the Form class. You can move it to any other pricacy
> section if you please. I simply apply standard OOP practises here, just
> like what you would do in business objects... Only make visible what you
> really want visible.

A reasonable point! :-)

Nonetheless the visibility of the component properties cannot be reduced 
much. It must stay public, so that the properties are accessible in 
AfterCreate. The same with Frames...


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