[Lazarus] fpGUI

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 22:19:28 CET 2011

On Sun, 2011-01-16 at 18:47 +0100, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Ah, well, that is a simple solution. ;)

I did say that fpGUI's UI Designer was simple. :)  I will also say that
the difference between Owner and Parent is highly overrated in VCL and
LCL. Yes I fully understand the difference between them in the context
of VCL and LCL. I just don't see a need for that in fpGUI, or even
VCL/LCL. So fpGUI treats Owner = Parent. I would have loved to get rid
of Owner, but unfortunately that is hardwired into TComponent (which is
a base class I use in fpGUI). So when you create a component and set the
Owner, fpGUI will automatically set the Parent for you, to match that

 - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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