[Lazarus] fpGUI for the LCL on x86 Linux, and standalone on SPARC Solaris 10

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Mon Jan 17 16:28:21 CET 2011

Sven Barth wrote:
> On 16.01.2011 14:58, Sven Barth wrote:
>> On 16.01.2011 05:11, Paul Breneman wrote:
>>> On the ReactOS forums there have been a few discussions (long ago) of
>>> being able to strip away the GUI. I think that would be a great option
>>> but it seems the developers are trying to duplicate NT and they have
>>> little interest in such an option.
>> At least according to the source code ReactOS should be capable of
>> booting into a Console only mode. Adding the option "/CONSOLE" to the
>> command line in freeldr.ini should be sufficient as
>> "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows
>> NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\ConsoleShell" is set to "cmd.exe" by
>> default... I couldn't get it working in 0.3.12 though...
> According to this thread ( 
> http://www.reactos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8925 ) from Friday on 
> the ReactOS forum that is a bug. They are working to get the OS "text 
> mode only" bootable again.

Thanks Sven for that info!

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