[Lazarus] Lazarus editor font height very small...

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 19:12:55 CET 2011

On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 16:26 +0000, Martin wrote:
> Also to clarify, you mean:
> - the current Lazarus displays a font that is set to 10, differently 
> than the released Lazarus 0.9.28(.2) did?
> - or: Lazarus displays a font that is set to 10, differently than Delphi 
> (or whatever your app of reference is)?

In my case the desktop (Gnome) was a font size of 11 (I believe this to
be points otherwise I would not be able to read anything. Lazarus IDE
(everything but the source editor) displayed correctly. But the source
editor has a very small text size. Using the font dialog I had to bump
the font size to 16pt to display like the rest of my desktop and all
other GTK apps.

Then after some date (or maybe I switched to 0.9.30 fixes) I had to
reset the font size again, because then suddenly the source editor font
was huge. I'll double check tomorrow at work my different source editor
settings between Trunk and 0.9.30 Fixes branch.

And yes I know in Lazarus you can specify a font height as pixels (I
think it's the negative font size value or something). I never do that,
I use the standard GTK font dialog to specify my font size from the

 - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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