[Lazarus] Accessing MS SQLServer database from Lazarus/FPC?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 10:34:18 CET 2011

Op 2011-01-24 10:35, Bo Berglund het geskryf:
> Pray:

God can't help you here, I think he subscribed to another mailing list. :)

> exactly how do you do this? What ia FCL?

As Michael said. FCL = Free Component Library. It is included with FPC
and contains lost of non-GUI components. That would be things like a
image library (reading/writing of image files), database components,
translated C headers etc...

The rest of the instruction I have listed before, or what Michael listed
should solve your problem. I always install FPC in a non-standard
location, so for me it is a requirement to specify the INSTALL_PREFIX in
the 'make install' command. I would imagine, seeing that you installed
from the binary setup, that everything is in known standard locations so
simply 'make install' would work.

> Must one really rebuild the *compiler* to make a simple source change
> in a peripheral component work in a single lazarus project?

No, in this case there is no need for that. That is what surprised me of
the others that gave you advice. They have been around in the FPC scene
for a long time, so why they give such stupid advice is beyond me.

Our company also moved from Delphi 7 to FPC (5+ years ago)... It takes a
little while to get used to FPC and Lazarus, and the whole allowed to
recompile the compiler or IDE etc. So give yourself some time to adjust
- after all, it is a totally different toolchain compared to Delphi.

> - Possibility to transfer code from Delphi 7

relatively easy.

> - GUI application compatibility (simple graphics and listview
> handling)

relatively easy.

> - Handling of serial ports

I've heard of a few which do this - no problems.

> - Database functionality

near perfect.

> - Cross-compilation for the embedded ARM platform

I would consider cross-compiling an advanced feature, but once you get
your head around it, and got your setup working, it is pretty good too.

> I am currently stuck in the database evaluation because the SQLdb
> component does not allow returning records from an EXEC call into an
> MSSQL Server database engine. This is what this is all about fixing.

I also used to use MS SQL Server, but with ADO components (and then
later some 3rd party components). I have only heard of a handful of FPC
developers using MS SQL Server, so I would guess SqlDB code hasn't had
as much exposure and testing against that RDBMS. So some tweaking might
be required (as you just noticed), but overall, SqlDB is very good. We
use SqlDB against Firebird and PostgreSQL database servers.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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