[Lazarus] LCL 1.0 required by many packages [Re: LCL now automatically compiles if needed]

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Jan 27 16:42:50 CET 2011

On 27/01/2011 15:28, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> I've been trying the dialog =>  I selected to clean all, and rebuild all.
>> And that's the error I got
> That's because the old dialog compiles the LCL before the FCL (package
> registration). This was changed with the redesign of this dialog in
> 0.9.29. Technically the reordering was ok, because the LCL package
> registration was in the IDE. Now the LCL package registration is in the
> LCL as any other package. I changed the order in one of my commits some
> hours ago, but a lazarus 0.9.29 - 0.9.31 has the wrong order.
Thanks that was the hint I needed.
I understand the need for those ordering changes. In fact I caused them 
myself before....

Ok, that works,

Now lcl is vesion 0.9.31
Yet some packages require an LCL v1.0:
- jcfidelazarus
- FPCUnitTestRunner

Not sure which others. Those were all from the list of which I have 


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