[Lazarus] Modal forms: block parent form or application

cobines cobines at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 17:53:07 CET 2011

2011/1/30 Andreas Schneider <aksdb at gmx.de>:
> On Sunday, January 30, 2011 00:13 cobines wrote:
>> But what about dialog boxes with buttons requiring user input? Usually
>> you want to have result which button was pressed and such dialog boxes
>> are shown as modal with ModalResult returned. Showing OpenFile dialog,
>> showing messages with ShowMessage or asking user for input with
>> InputQuery, all such cases result in all windows in the application
>> being blocked.
> Well, IMHO these windows are called "dialog" for a reason. If you were
> in  a dialog with me and I asked you something, I would be offended if
> you turned away, talked to a bunch of other people first and THEN come
> back to finally answer my question.
> Or  more  specifically  in these cases: if you click a button to enter
> some  information  (InputQuery),  you  most  likely  already know - or
> should  know  -  what  you  want to enter. Similarly for the Open/Save
> Dialogs.  If  you intent on saving or opening a file, you usually have
> in  mind which one. So why should you be able to click around in other
> windows in that time?

Well, I look at other native applications, they behave differently
than Lazarus applications, hence I ask if that's intended difference.
That's all.


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