[Lazarus] Once again about the size of the executable

Max Vlasov max.vlasov at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 23:30:55 CEST 2011


I decided to take a quick look at the lazarus executable size. Sure
that was discussed several times, I just wanted to do quick tests with
several units that are far from forms or related to understand how
they affect the size of executable.

So apparently there's the controls unit that triggers the largest
part. If you add this to the uses list of a simple program you will
get well-known "minimum" size program. There's nothing one can do
currently with this since it's triggers many important things in
initialization section, uses Forms for Delphi compatibility (that also
triggers much) so no chances to find anything real to remove. But to
my surprise the unit Graphics also triggered the same size 1.5MB on

So after some investigation I came up with a one minor fix. If ImgList
is removed from the Themes implementation section and
DrawIcon(ACanvas...) made blank, Graphics no longer indirectly uses
Controls unit . The only place that uses this overloaded
DrawIcon(ACanvas method is \lcl\include\headercontrol.inc. Sure this
change is not a fix that works, but just proof-of-concept change that
shows that this method either can be moved somewhere or replace with
something else allowing existence of Graphics without Widget Set
(Factory) usage.

So, I wanted to suggest some fixing at least to allow for example
command-line programs that only use Graphics for conversion or related
to be 800-900 kb smaller. I was impressed by the fact that so many
units (see the listing, until InterfaceBase) don't directly or
indirectly uses any WidgetSet-related units so it looked like the
developers take these things into account.

On the other side ff it's fixed there's no guarantee that lcl that is
constantly in a development state won't get some new functionality
returning "uses Controls" on some level.

Below is the program that I used for my inquiry. It contains no real
form so just shows how much is added just by adding a unit to the uses
list.  You can see the sizes for the corresponding step in the
comments (if there's no commend, adding this unit either didn't add to
the size or added not much).

Other then this moment I described, it's interesting that different
image formats self-registering adds about 200k to the size of the
executable. I know it's almost nothing comparing to the current
"minimum" size, but it's also something to think about (maybe
introduce some define like OMIT_IMAGE_FORMATS_REGISTER that will allow
decreasing the size)

So just my thoughts maybe to continue the discussion or bury it :)



program sizeenquiry;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {30k, the size with empty uses list }
{$R *.res} { 160k }
  Classes, { 295k }
  Math, Types, Contnrs, FPCAdds, LCLversion,
  FPImage, FPCanvas, { 307k }
  FPWritePNG, PNGComn,
  FPReadPNM, FPWritePNM,
  FPReadJpeg, FPWriteJpeg,
  FPReadTiff, FPTiffCmn, { 485k }
  LCLStrConsts, LCLType, LCLProc, { 493k }
  LResources, { 510k }
  GraphType, IcnsTypes, GraphMath, WSReferences,
  FPReadPNG,  {538k}
  UTF8Process, Maps, TmSchema,
   { if we keep the things as it is now, adding
     Themes or IntfGraphics or Graphics or LCLInfo or InterfaceBase
     below makes exe 1.5MB immediately
     Bur if we remove ImgList from Themes' implementation uses section
and also make method DrawIcon(ACanvas: TPersistent;..blank
     to fit this removing, then the following kilobytes numbers are valid
  InterfaceBase, { 640k } {uses Themes that uses ImgList that uses
WSImgList that triggers WS-Binding }
  Graphics {the size of exe on this step with non-patched Themes ~
1.5MB, with patched ~ 640k}

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