[Lazarus] 0019723: Implement TControl.InvalidateRect?

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Jul 15 17:12:49 CEST 2011

> It would be nice to have TControl.InvalidateRect, so that component 
> developers can avoid calls to LCLIntf.InvalidateRect :-) 

> Zeljan Rikalo <mailto:zeljko at holobit.net> (developer) Not problem with 
> implementing that, but one can say we can implement almost all winapi 
> functions into TControl to avoid LCLIntf usage.
> I'm not against adding InvalidateRect(R: TRect) into TControl, but 
> there must be
> agreement from other devels about it

There is the question of drawing a lie, to how much to put on TWinControl.
There are more Handle related functions... So there could be an 
additional HandleObject property, with an object representing the handle.
Though, IMHO that would be too much...

What is the specific use case for it?
I can only really see use, if you develop your own component. But then 
you can add it there...
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