[Lazarus] Docking Support

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Jul 7 17:36:07 CEST 2011


 Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> hat am 7. Juli 2011 um 17:18 geschrieben:

 > Is docking support production ready in Lazarus at this time?
 > I need to create a mini-IDE sub-application with helper panels in the GUI
 > which
 > should be able to display in the west, north, east and south position of the
 > main work area.
 > I don't necessarily need to be able to drag and drop panels and dock them,
 > the
 > positions would be static if needs be. 
Static works since years. Drag and drop has still some quirks. 

 > I'm visualizing panels which can be "pinned" as seen in most popular IDE's.

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