[Lazarus] FPDoc tracker

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 14:44:04 CEST 2011

On 07/18/2011 02:23 PM, Marcos Douglas wrote:
> W:\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\fpcdocs>make rtl.chk fcl.chk FPCSRCDIR=W:\md\dev\f
> reepascal\compiler\2.4.5
> fpdoc  --warn-no-node --package=rtl --descr=rtl.xml --content=rtl.xct --hide-pro
> ler\2.4.5/rtl/inc/ctypes.pp -FiW:\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\2.4.5/rtl/unix -FiW
> :\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\2.4.5/rtl/win -FiW:\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\2.4.
> 5/rtl/win32" --format=html --output=rtl --footer-date='mmm dd yyyy'
> A linha de entrada é muito longa.
> make: *** [rtl.chk] Error 255
> W:\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\fpcdocs>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> My Win is Portuguese so, the translate this error is "The input line
> is too long.".

Thanks for the translation. It seems Windows can't handle such a long
command on the command line. Two options I can think of:

1) Try and built RTL docs first, then FCL docs.

2) Reduce the directory path length. eg: place the fpcdocs checkout in
   c:\temp\ instead of W:\md\dev\freepascal\compiler\fpcdocs

I don't know if these options will help though.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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