[Lazarus] RE : RE : RE : Lazarus on Solaris 10

Ludo Brands ludo.brands at free.fr
Wed Jul 27 16:23:11 CEST 2011

> On a clean SPARC system,
>     PKGINST:  SUNWpng
>        NAME:  Portable Network Graphics library
>    CATEGORY:  GNOME2,application,JDS3
>        ARCH:  sparc
Same version on x86. Build date is one day off: REV=

> It looks as though this is installed in /usr/lib, so if I understand 
> things correctly installing libpng from SFW should put a 
> newer version 
> in /usr/local. Let's hope the result isn't too sensitive to path 
> misconfiguration.

That is where LD_LIBRARY_PATH comes in. /usr/local/lib is first.
Note that I had a problem when adding /usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
.bashrc. JDS didn't like it and complained about nautilus and panel not
being able to register on DBUS, leaving me with an empty desktop when logged


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