[Lazarus] Problem using packages

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 11:50:24 CEST 2011

I can add to the list of package problems. Since the new "build modes
and macros" was introduced, I often make changes to files in packages;
recompile the project, but the package never detected that a file it
contains has changed - thus my new binary is not as "new" as I thought.
And yes, every one of my packages contains _all_ the files that it is
supposed to manage - that includes include (*.inc) files. This has
happened quite a lot to me so far. So much so, that I have reverted some
of my projects to just use unit paths instead of packages (like what was
done in Delphi IDE). The build process is much more reliable then. My
other choice is to go back to the previous stable 0.9.28.x Lazarus IDE.

And to make matters worse, this is with the "stable" Lazarus
IDE, not the unstable trunk.

I have tried to debug the issue and see if there is some or other
reproducable steps to follow... but I am yet to find it. Issues with
packages so far are quite random - making the frustration even worse.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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