[Lazarus] broken scrollbars under Ubuntu 11.04

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 14:19:57 CEST 2011


Apologies if this  was mentioned already... I don't  follow all messages
in the mailing list.

I've just installed  Ubuntu 11.04 (64-bit) on my  system. This is rather
odd for  me, because  I much  prefer to  stay with  the more  stable LTS
releases, but I thought I wanted to try Unity.

Anyway, my  system is  up and  running (sort  of). I'm using  the Ubuntu
Classic (Gnome  2.x) interface (not  the useless Unity). In  Ubuntu, the
scrollbars are now very thin by nature. Also there is no scroll-thumb or
arrow buttons  visible any more. But if  the mouse moves over  where the
scrollbar should be, a scroll-thumb appears (OUTSIDE the window bounds -
how weird is that!).

Inside  the  Lazarus  IDE,  all   horizontal  scrolling  with  this  new
scroll-thumb   is  broken. The   scrollbar   moves,   but  the   content
doesn't. Vertical scrollbars seem  to work fine. I test  with the Editor
and Project Inspector windows.

The new Ubuntu scroll-thumb is also  clickable. So when I click the left
or right  arrows to  step scroll horizontally,  the Lazarus  IDE windows
actually scroll vertical instead of horizontal! :-/

I must say  my experience with Ubuntu  11.04 is not good at  all, and am
seriously considering moving  back to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. As far  as I can
see, Ubuntu 11.04 is Alpha quality work and very inconsistent UI - so if
you were considering to move to it, DON'T!

Anybody  else noticed  these  broken horizontal  scrollbar behaviour  in
Lazarus  IDE?   I  have  only   tested  with  Lazarus  0.9.30.x. I  have
recompiled  my  IDE  (with  GTK2  widgetset) to  see  if  that  makes  a
difference, but  it didn't. I'll update my  Trunk copy and see  how that
goes, and report back here.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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