[Lazarus] Several issues - Call Stack
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
luizmed at oi.com.br
Mon Jun 6 04:25:58 CEST 2011
On 5/6/2011 21:57, Martin wrote:
> On 06/06/2011 02:05, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
>> Martin schrieb:
>>> I am not sure what you mean by the description?
>>> The call-stack is supposed to fill when the debugger stops.
>> Rigth, but now it appears to be always empty :-(
> Not good, and worse, I can only guess, since it doesn't happen on my PC
>>> If executiopn continues (run F9 / Step F8,.F7) it is cleared until
>>> the execution stops again.
>> The effect is best seen with F7, when a step into a subroutine takes
>> some time until the begin of the subroutine is focused in the editor, in
> The time taken is normal, it's the time it takes to load the line-info
> (blue dots) from gdb.
>> a different file. Here the Call Stack list is filled with entries, just
>> after pressing F7, and is cleared when the new position is shown in the
>> editor. The ListView title (column) bar also disappears for a short
>> time, and when it reappears[1] the list is empty.
>> Using F8, where the focus only moves to the next line in the same file,
>> the CallStack appears to remain almost empty.
> Anyway, first we need to establish if gdb returns anything (or even if
> the IDE asks.
> Please have a look at the content of the "debug output" window.
> When the stack window is open (and the power button enabled !), and
> the execution stops (breakpoint, end of step) you should see something
> like
> (it helps to have watches and other windows closed, and to turn the
> power off in the "history" window)
> <-stack-info-depth>
> ^done,depth="42"
> (gdb)
> <-stack-list-arguments 1 0 9>
> ^done,stack-args=[frame={level="0",args=[{name="SENDER",value="0x1ca9d0"},{name="this",value="<error
> reading
> variable>"}]},frame={level="1",args=[{name="this",value="0x1ca9d0"}]},frame={level="2",args=[]},frame={level="3",args=[]},frame={level="4",args=[]},frame={level="5",args=[]},frame={level="6",args=[{name="this",value="0x41d2934"},{name="MESSAGE",value="0"}]},frame={level="7",args=[{name="this",value="0x1ca9d0"},{name="THEMESSAGE",value="{MSG
> = 66567, WPARAM = 0, LPARAM = 0, RESULT = 0, WPARAMLO = 0, WPARAMHI =
> 0}"}]},frame={level="8",args=[{name="this",value="0x1ca9d0"},{name="MESSAGE",value="{MSG
> = 66567, WPARAM = 0, LPARAM = 0, RESULT = 0, WPARAMLO = 0, WPARAMHI =
> 0}"}]},frame={level="9",args=[{name="TARGET",value="0x1ca9d0"},{name="AMESSAGE",value="0"}]}]
> (gdb)
> <-stack-list-frames 0 9>
> ^done,stack=[frame={level="0",addr="0x00428a59",func="TFORM1__BUTTON4CLICK",file="unit1.pas",fullname="C:/data/lazarus/bug1/unit1.pas",line="131"},frame={level="1",addr="0x00500ef1",func="CLICK",file="include/control.inc",fullname="C:/lazarus_latest/lcl/include/control.inc",line="2286"},frame={level="2",addr="0x00543df3",func="STDCTRLS_TBUTTONCONTROL_$__CLICK"},frame={level="3",addr="0x005444e6",func="STDCTRLS_TCUSTOMBUTTON_$__CLICK"},frame={level="4",addr="0x00544b91",func="STDCTRLS_TBUTTON_$__CLICK"},frame={level="5",addr="0x00543cae",func="STDCTRLS_TBUTTONCONTROL_$__WMDEFAULTCLICKED$TMESSAGE"},frame={level="6",addr="0x0040b1e6",func="DISPATCH",file="../inc/objpas.inc",fullname="C:/FPC/SVN/trunc/rtl/win32/../inc/objpas.inc",line="592"},frame={level="7",addr="0x004ffce3",func="WNDPROC",file="include/control.inc",fullname="C:/lazarus_latest/lcl/include/control.inc",line="1683"},frame={level="8",addr="0x004f3628",func="WNDPROC",file="include/wincontrol.inc",fullname="C:/lazaru
> s_latest/lcl/include/wincontrol.inc",line="5241"},frame={level="9",addr="0x005665de",func="DELIVERMESSAGE",file="lclmessageglue.pas",fullname="C:/lazarus_latest/lcl/lclmessageglue.pas",line="111"}]
> (gdb)
> If you see something like this, the try close and open the stack window,
I see the above. See other mail
> Check if you see at least the commands being issued:
> <-stack-info-depth>
> <-stack-list-arguments 1 0 9>
> <-stack-list-frames 0 9>
I dont get those
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