[Lazarus] First impressions of Lazarus under Mac OS X
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Jun 23 21:30:19 CEST 2011
Read reply to point 8 first, before trying all the other stuff, if at all...
On 23/06/2011 20:12, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> 6) The default font in the Lazarus Source window is absolutely
> hideous! Very pixelated and not anti-aliased. Going to the editor
> settings, it said it is using Monaco-12, but what is actually being
> used is a mystery, because it definitely was not Monaco font. I
> launched the font dialog to select a different font. The OS font
> dialog showed a preview of Monaco font, and again - nothing like what
> is used in the editor. I have a screenshot of that too, if it will
> help. Selecting Monaco-12 in the font dialog and closing the dialog,
> Lazarus IDE did not update the editor font. I had to physically change
> the font size to something other than 12pt before the editor options
> preview window updated. Strangely enough, select Close to accept the
> new editor changes, the editor font still displayed the very pixelated
> text. Still not Monaco font either. It seems Lazarus IDE doesn't like
> Monaco font at all. :)
I understand Monaco is supposed to be fixed width?
Default is at line 1348 (SynEdit.pp)
{$IFDEF LCLcarbon}
SynDefaultFontName := 'Monaco'; // Note: carbon is case sensitive
SynDefaultFontHeight := 12;
{$DEFINE SynDefaultFont}
If you select from options dialog, does Monaco work in other sizes?
Does the "AntiAliasing Checkbox" make a difference?
SynEdit.pp Line 7619 an dfollowing:
procedure TCustomSynEdit.RecalcCharExtent;
i: Integer;
with FFontDummy do begin
// Keep GTK happy => By ensuring a change the XFLD fontname gets
Pitch := fpVariable;
Style := [fsBold];
Pitch := fpDefault; // <<<<============ this line <<<<================
Try different values there, see if it helps?
> 7) Still being stuck on the unknown font in the editor window, there
> is some rather strange behaviours. eg: Select a line of text from left
> to right makes the text "jiggle" (changing there widths) as I select
> more and more text.
I Remember that was fixed once......
Can you compile with SYNFONTDEBUG defined, and get console output, or
Can you test, if it works, if you set "ExtraCharSpacing" to either 1 or
-1 (or anything, but 0)
> 8) To got the source code editor to some sane font, I had to resort to
> selecting a totally different font, Courier-13 for example, and
> pressing OK, finally updated the editor. But still the editor text is
> not anti-aliased, which it was in the Options Dialog preview window!
*** Read me first ***
Now this is odd...
Are the setting saved to the editoropions.xml? (Take a copy of the
initial, and then make diffs, after the changes // Or check if they
persist on restart.)
If they are saved, are they applied (or still ignored) after restarting
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