[Lazarus] Error while compiling latest SVN version
bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 13:28:03 CEST 2011
I just tried that myself and it seems to work.
I attached a patch in the bugtracker.
On 6/30/11, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
> If you change the line in main.pp to
> ShowCommands: array[TWindowState] of Integer =
> Will it then build?
> Bart
> On 6/30/11, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Filed a bugreport: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19659
>> Bart
>> On 6/30/11, Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Due to r31470:
>>> http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/trunk/lcl/forms.pp?root=lazarus&r1=31468&r2=31470
>>> TWindowState definition has changed.
>>> On 6/30/11, Torsten Bonde Christiansen <tc at epidata.dk> wrote:
>>>> Same here.
>>>> Happens on both Win32 and Linux x86_64 - i have the same SVN revision.
>>>> -Torsten.
>>>> On 2011-06-30 11:46, Tommi Prami wrote:
>>>>> OK, short explanation:
>>>>> Did everything all over again :
>>>>> SVN : 31471
>>>>> FPC : 2.4.4
>>>>> I run the make of the Lazarus, and then start the IDE (That fart it
>>>>> works) then try to run Toos -> "Build Lazarus with profile ..." to get
>>>>> all the Packages to build again... (After update... Now it weirdly
>>>>> fails at)
>>>>> main(.pas)
>>>>> function TMainIDE.DoLoadLFM(AnUnitInfo: TUnitInfo; LFMBuf:
>>>>> TCodeBuffer;
>>>>> OpenFlags: TOpenFlags; CloseFlags: TCloseFlags): TModalResult;
>>>>> const
>>>>> BufSize = 4096; // allocating mem in 4k chunks helps many mem
>>>>> managers
>>>>> ShowCommands: array[TWindowState] of Integer =
>>>>> with message :
>>>>> ...
>>>>> C:\lazarus\lcl\grids.pas(5854,38) Warning: Symbol "OnEditButtonClick"
>>>>> is deprecated
>>>>> C:\lazarus\lcl\grids.pas(6088,34) Warning: Symbol "OnEditButtonClick"
>>>>> is deprecated
>>>>> C:\lazarus\lcl\grids.pas(6089,24) Warning: Symbol "OnEditButtonClick"
>>>>> is deprecated
>>>>> "Compiling package LCLBase 1.0.1" completed
>>>>> C:\lazarus\lcl\interfaces\win32\win32int.pp(27,26) Warning: User
>>>>> defined: Fix implicit pointer conversions
>>>>> "Compiling package LCL 1.0.1" completed
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\lazcontrols\listfilteredit.pas(64,15) Warning:
>>>>> An inherited method is hidden by "TListFilterEdit.Invalidate;"
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\lazcontrols\listfilteredit.pas(24,43) Hint:
>>>>> Parameter "Done" not used
>>>>> "Compiling package LazControls 0.0" completed
>>>>> "Compiling package IDEIntf 1.0" completed
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqlite\sqlitecomponenteditor.pas(63,58) Hint:
>>>>> Parameter "User" not used
>>>>> "Compiling package sqlite3laz 0.4" completed
>>>>> "Compiling package lnetvisual 0.6.6" completed
>>>>> "Compiling package SynEdit 1.0" completed
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(227,9)
>>>>> Warning: Local variable "C" does not seem to be initialized
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(57,30)
>>>>> Hint: Parameter "SQL" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(82,3)
>>>>> Hint: Local const "SSQLOK" is not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(83,3)
>>>>> Hint: Local const "SQLSyntaxOK" is not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(84,3)
>>>>> Hint: Local const "SSQLError" is not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\sqlstringspropertyeditordlg.pas(85,3)
>>>>> Hint: Local const "SSQLSyntaxError" is not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\registersqldb.pas(92,38) Hint: Parameter
>>>>> "ResourceName" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\registersqldb.pas(93,33) Hint: Parameter
>>>>> "Filename" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\registersqldb.pas(93,43) Hint: Parameter
>>>>> "SourceName" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\registersqldb.pas(94,27) Hint: Parameter
>>>>> "ResourceName" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\components\sqldb\registersqldb.pas(63,16) Hint: Unit
>>>>> "SrcEditorIntf" not used in registersqldb
>>>>> "Compiling package SQLDBLaz 1.0.1" completed
>>>>> C:\lazarus\debugger\gdbmidebugger.pp(6547,107) Warning: Symbol
>>>>> "GDBDisassemble" is deprecated
>>>>> C:\lazarus\packager\packageeditor.pas(1636,3) Note: Local variable
>>>>> "TVNodeStack" not used
>>>>> C:\lazarus\ide\main.pp(6490,50) Fatal: Syntax error, "," expected but
>>>>> ")" found
>>>>> -Tee-
>>>>> --
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>>>> --
>>>> Our Program who art in Memory, Hello be Thy Name.
>>>> Thy Operating System come, Thy Commands be done,
>>>> at the Printer as it is on the Screen.
>>>> Give us this day our daily Data, and forgive us our I/O Errors as we
>>>> forgive
>>>> those whose Logic Circuits are faulty. Lead us not into frustration,
>>>> and
>>>> deliver us from Power Surges,
>>>> for Thine is the Algorithm, the Application, and the Solution, looping
>>>> forever and ever.
>>>> Return.
>>>> --
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