[Lazarus] Animals game - exception: Failed to create win32 control, error: 1407 : Cannot find window class.

Peter Williams pewilliams2010 at live.com
Thu Mar 24 15:30:37 CET 2011

Hi All,
I have a Lazarus project which is a legacy game project from Delphi 7. It works fine in D7 and I used the tools menus to convert it to Lazarus. It compiles fine and when I run it it immediately gives this exception:
Debugger Exception Notification
Project ANIMALS.exe raised exception class 'Exception' with message:Failed to create win32 control, error: 1407 : Cannot find window class.
I did a search on this error and only found a few C language references to it.
Here is the project download link: http://hotfile.com/dl/111641603/97e0137/animals_001.zip.html

The game is a simple single form application with 5 x tButtons, each with their own modal codes, a tEdit and a tMemo... and that's about it. The form is called from it's own unit with a form1.showmodal command (e.g. showing it's own form).
I am hoping that someone can look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong. I think possibly I may need to separate out Animals.pas as a unit and make it's form a separate form and create it from my Animals.pas unit. Would this fix this problem?
Best Regards,Peter / pew 		 	   		  
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