[Lazarus] Project with LCL Invovlement Not Working Under WinCE

Robin Hoo robin.hoo.cn at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 01:17:42 CEST 2011

Hi, All

I found the WINCE project with LCL would not compile sucessfully in snapshot
Lazarus-0.9.31-29895-fpc-2.5.1-20110318. You could repeat the problem by
create an empty project and change the compile settings to WINCE/ARM/DEFAUT
with smartlink option. When you try to compile the empty project, it would
stop by error "Fatal: Can't find unit shlobj used by Win32WSDialogs". Anuone
else here encountered same problem? Is it a bug of the snapshot?

Best Regards
Robin Hoo
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