[Lazarus] Problems with r29727

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 10:06:52 CET 2011

I just did a make clean all OPT=-gl, so range check is probably off
(it is off by default in fpc and I didn't change the fpc.cfg to put it

I now managed (twice) to get lazarus to crash and create a debug.log.
(I can't get a backtrace in gdb, afthe the crash I have to kill
startlazarsu, and lazarus using the taskmanager before gdb becoms
responsive again, and the it denies thee was a crash in the firts
place. Yet another reason why I'm migrating to Linux <g>)

This is Lazarus crashing almost directly after starting it:

SetPrimaryConfigPath NewValue="h:\programmas\svnlaz" -> "H:\programmas\svnlaz"
TMainIDE.DoLoadLFM Creating designer for hidden component of
Form1:TForm1 TDesignerTApplication.HandleException Access violation
  Stack trace:
  $005CB486  TWIN32THEMESERVICES__GETDETAILREGION,  line 191 of win32themes.pas
  $00432D5C  THINTWINDOW__UPDATEREGION,  line 91 of ./include/hintwindow.inc
  $004335D9  THINTWINDOW__INITIALIZEWND,  line 247 of ./include/hintwindow.inc
  $0053A007  TWINCONTROL__CREATEWND,  line 7290 of ./include/wincontrol.inc
  $004291EC  TCUSTOMFORM__CREATEWND,  line 2466 of ./include/customform.inc
  $005399D5  TWINCONTROL__CREATEHANDLE,  line 7176 of ./include/wincontrol.inc
  $0053AB2A  TWINCONTROL__HANDLENEEDED,  line 7613 of ./include/wincontrol.inc
  $0052B571  TCONTROLCANVAS__CREATEHANDLE,  line 99 of
  $004BD846  TCANVAS__REQUIREDSTATE,  line 1570 of ./include/canvas.inc
  $004BD012  TCANVAS__GETUPDATEDHANDLE,  line 1253 of ./include/canvas.inc
  $00433582  THINTWINDOW__CALCHINTRECT,  line 238 of ./include/hintwindow.inc
  $0042E3FB  TAPPLICATION__ONHINTTIMER,  line 919 of ./include/application.inc
  $00557535  TCUSTOMTIMER__DOONTIMER,  line 181 of customtimer.pas
  $0055749F  TCUSTOMTIMER__TIMER,  line 156 o

Both times I got the same output in debug.log, so the problem probably
is in GetDetailRegion in win32themes.pas, which was introduced in

I now downgraded Laz to r29641 and the crashes seem to have gone.

I guess I'll have to file a report in Mantis?


On 3/5/11, Paul Ishenin <ip at kmiac.ru> wrote:
> 05.03.2011 7:04, Bart пишет:
>> Hi,
>> I just updated Lazarus (SVN) to r29727.
>> Made a clean build from commandline using fpc 2.4.2
> Do you use range checks?
> Best regards,
> Paul Ishenin
> --
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