[Lazarus] More to discuss about Main-Menu

William Oliveira Ferreira bdexterholland at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 18:24:02 CET 2011

Touching in *Think about this thread from a absolute beginners point of
view. *Well, a strange thing (as i think) is try to run [F9] a unsaved
project (i think it happens on build to but i didn´t test), compiler raises
a Linking Fail error, but if you saves the project in some folder than
compiler buids the project nicely.

I think lazarus should temporary saves a unsaved project to a temp path to
compile, beginner users won't get suprised with....
William de Oliveira Ferreira
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação

2011/3/8 Samuel Herzog <sam_herzog at yahoo.com>

> Please, Please. Think about this thread from a absolute beginners point of
> view.
> He starts the IDE the first time and of course he wants to see some action.
> Probably he will choose "Run" and see an empty form.
> Next step. He will look for some examples to open and run. Of course he
> starts looking into "File" menu but not find it because it's somewhere in
> the middle in the Menu "Project".
> I have also added a feature request in bug-tracker to fill some examples
> into the "Recent projects" list when installing lazarus.
> --
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