[Lazarus] Lazarus 0.9.30 released

ik idokan at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 15:48:52 CEST 2011

Great news :)

Sent it to some local open source news site.


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 13:50, Mattias Gaertner
<nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>wrote:

> The Lazarus team is glad to announce the 0.9.30 release. This release
> is based on fpc 2.4.2.
> This release is available for download at the SourceForge download page:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus/files/
> Minimum requirements:
> Windows:       98, 2k, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
> FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
> Mac OS X:      10.4, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit
> Highlights / Major changes:
> LCL:
> * Windows CE: support for clipboard and keypad devices
> * GTK2 and GTK1 interfaces are now separated.
>  GTK1 is no longer maintained by the Lazarus team,
>  but patches are still welcome.
> * fpGUI: the LCL interface to fpGUI now supports all components
>  on the standard page.
> * QT: support for Haiku
> * Layout and autosizing is now more consistent across widgetsets,
>  overhead was reduced, improved cross platform layouts and complex forms.
> * Added gif reader
> * TLazIntfImage - New function AlphaBlend, which can alpha blend
>  an intfimage into another, using a separate intfimage as the
>  alpha channel.
> * Unit chart and its component TBarChar are deprecated.
>  See the new package TAChartLazarusPkg.
> IDE:
> * Support for FPC resources:
>  You can now use {$R *.lfm} instead of {$i unit1.lrs}.
> * The Delphi converter has improved a lot.
> * Build modes, build macros and conditionals now allows
>  different sets of compiler options for projects and packages.
> * Editor
>    * Hiding (Folding) of comments in Pascal source.
>    * Allow Multiple Source-Editor Windows
>    * Allow several Views of the same Source
>    * User-defined color-schemes.
>    * Identifier-completion pop-up is now resizeable
> * Project compiler options can now be saved as default for new projects.
> * When opening a project only those forms are opened
>  that were open when project was closed.
> * Various designer usability improvements:
>    * arrow and tab keys switching between components
>    * resize/move cancellation using ESC key
>    * save/restore of the form window state in the project session
>    * skip snapping when Alt key is pressed
> * When creating a new project the default unit output directory
>  is now lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS). Target file name is project1.
>  This has no impact on old projects.
> * IDE now preserves the line endings of source files (it uses
>  the line ending of the first line, it does not preserve mixed
>  line endings).
> * You can now quickly switch between several versions / branches of
>  packages by defining the preferred package file name for each dependency.
> * You can now use the IDE directive %H- to hide individual hints,
>  notes and warnings.
> * The IDE can be made dockable. Install either the package
>  AnchorDockingDsgn or EasyDockMgrDsgn.
> * The ToDo list was moved to a separate package: todolistlaz.lpk.
> * Czech translation added
> Debugger / Editor
> * Inserted/Deleted lines during a debug session are now tracked.
>  Breakpoints and Execution-line are adjusted.
> * Step out command implementation (by Flavio)
> * Show execution point command
> * Single Instruction step (over/into)
> * UI Improvements: Toolbars for Watches, Breakpoints, Disassembler
> * Watches: Enabled display formats (mem-dump, Hex, Default, ..)
> * Disassembler added navigation: jump to address / return to execution
> point
> * Improved reaction speed: It is possible to continue stepping
>  without having to wait for all watches, locals, ... to be evaluated
> Components:
> * The IDE got some options to become easier for students and pupils
>  and there is a new package EducationLaz adding options to hide
>  complex parts of the IDE
> * New AggPas (Anti Grain Geometry for Object Pascal) package,
>  now supporting FPImage and LCL. AggPas highlights: Subpixel rendering,
>  8-bit alpha channel, paths, platform independent rendering using
>  pure pascal
> * TAChart update, including: stacked and rotated series, 3 new types
>  of series, axis transformations, interactive tools, 6 new demos and
>  other improvements
> And thousands of fixes and smaller changes. The detailed list of changes
> can be
> found here:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Lazarus_0.9.30_release_notes
> Mattias
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Lazarus mailing list
> Lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
> http://lists.lazarus.freepascal.org/mailman/listinfo/lazarus
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