[Lazarus] Lazarus Help

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Tue Mar 29 08:57:18 CEST 2011

On 03/29/2011 05:11 AM, Dians wrote:
> Could i get lazarus help/Documentation like delphi help ? when i got
> an error , i looking for it in help
While I feel that the help system does work well (once you found out to 
get the help on components that are not in a uses clause :) ), the help 
itself is quite minimal regarding Delphi. Some components are documented 
only minimalistic ( like with all community driven project "commercial" 
does have a point here ). For beginners Delphi has a point as the 
language itself is handled in the help files. So it would be a nice  
thing if it would be possible to integrate the Delphi help in  Lazarus 
for users that do have a Delphi license.


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