[Lazarus] Strange access violation
Luca Olivetti
luca at wetron.es
Wed May 4 13:44:48 CEST 2011
Lately I'm getting a bunch of those. I thought it was because I was
using an old version of lazarus, but now I upgraded to 0.9.30 (self
compiled from http:://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/tags_lazarus_0_9_30
with fpc 2.4.2 under win32) and I got another strange one.
The exception, according to the stack trace, is in line 27 of monitor.inc:
function TMonitor.GetInfo(out Info: TMonitorInfo): Boolean;
Info.cbSize := SizeOf(TMonitorInfo);
Result := GetMonitorInfo(Handle, @Info); <<--here
Called from here:
function TMonitor.GetBoundsRect: TRect;
Info: TMonitorInfo;
if GetInfo(Info) then <<--here
Result := Info.rcMonitor
Result := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
So I don't understand how an access violation is possible (unless
windows doesn't look at the cbSize field and tries to access past its
size). I suspect that the PC where the program is running has some
problem (maybe a virus?), since I got another access violation on the
same PC (actually I don't know, I didn't manage to get a stack trace,
the main form just "vanished" after pressing a button, a different one
than this time, and that prompted me to upgrade lazarus) but I'm worried.
Of course it isn't reproducible (it happened only once, inside a
TOpendialog.Execute, I tried many many times after the access violation
with no problem).
Any idea?
Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automation Technology http://www.wetron.es
Tel. +34 935883004 (Ext.133) Fax +34 935883007
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