[Lazarus] svn update problems (again)
bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Sun May 22 14:15:15 CEST 2011
I tried to update Lazarus (cuurently r29157).
bart at simenon:~/svnroot/lazarus> svn update
A components/synedit/languages/syndesignstringconstants.ru.po
A components/synedit/languages/synhighlighterunixshellscript.pt_BR.po
svn: Failed to add file
'components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po': object of the same
name already exists
(I decided to delete it)
bart at simenon:~/svnroot/lazarus> svn delete --force
bart at simenon:~/svnroot/lazarus> svn update
U components/synedit/languages/synmacrorecorder.it.po
A components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po
A components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po
A components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po
svn: Failed to add file
'components/synedit/languages/syndesignstringconstants.po': object of
the same name already exists
(again I had to delete)
svn delete --force
after this the update went OK.
Any ideas on how this happens, why does it add, when it should update
these files?
bart at simenon:~/svnroot/lazarus> svn --version
svn, version 1.3.2 (r19776)
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