[Lazarus] Run Without Debbuging Shift+Ctrl+F9

Bernd prof7bit at googlemail.com
Sun May 1 14:53:14 CEST 2011

2011/5/1 Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com>:
> You need to open a terminal with the settings of your choice and Lazarus
> just tells GDB to redirect the output of the debugged process to that
> window. Lazarus has basically no way of knowing what your preffered shell
> looks like (as there are many, many different terminal applications on
> Linux).

Yes, I have tried this also, it woks better than the terminl output
window from the debugging windows menu, but it is cumbersome to find
the terminal name each time.

In my previous post I was only referring to the other solution:

view -> debug windows -> terminal output

This could serve as a replacement for the most purposes (just catching
and displaying my writelns) if the few problems were removed
(scrolling behavior, fixed font, clear the window when doing a new
run, open automatically when there appears output). (I know, I should
not complain, instead I should just start making a patch, this should
not be so difficult)


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