[Lazarus] dtm_maker project compile errors with TList code.

Peter Williams pewilliams2010 at live.com
Fri May 6 12:24:24 CEST 2011

Hi All,
I have copied the relevant unit to pastebin.com and here it is:
unit1.pas(191,18) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(192,21) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(193,20) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(194,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(195,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(196,24) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(197,14) Error: No member is provided to access property
line 191 follows:constructor TIsland.Create(const ATerrain : Terrain_type;         const ATerrain_char : char;         const Adescription : description_type;         const Ax, Ay, Alocation_number : integer;         const Aexits : exit_type );begin  // Save the passed parameters  self.Terrain   := ATerrain;  self.Terrain_char := ATerrain_char;  self.description := Adescription;  self.x := Ax;  self.y := Ay;  self.location_number := Alocation_number;  self.exits := Aexits;end;
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here, and how do I fix this?
Best Regards,PEW

From: pewilliams2010 at live.com
To: lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 17:17:36 +1000
Subject: [Lazarus] dtm_maker project compile errors with TList code.

Hi All,
I have uploaded my project with compile time errors to here:> Download link: > http://hotfile.com/dl/116917459/8effac0/dtm_maker_002.zip.htmlAnd I am getting these errors:
Options changed, recompiling clean with -BHint: Start of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfgHint: End of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfgFree Pascal Compiler version 2.4.2-0 [2010/11/11] for i386Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian KlaempflTarget OS: Linux for i386unit1.pas(191,18) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(192,21) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(193,20) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(194,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(195,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(196,24) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(197,14) Error: No member is provided to access propertyCompiling island_maker.lprCompiling unit1.pasCompiling set_max.pasunit1.pas(191,18) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(192,21) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(193,20) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(194,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(195,10) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(196,24) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(197,14) Error: No member is provided to access propertyunit1.pas(498,37) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 3: Got "Array[1..2] Of AnsiString", expected "description_type"unit1.pas(184,21) Hint: Found declaration: constructor TIsland.Create(const Terrain_type,const Char,const description_type,const LongInt,const LongInt,const LongInt,const exit_type);unit1.pas(503,15) Error: Identifier not found "myList"unit1.pas(521,12) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(529,14) Warning: range check error while evaluating constantsunit1.pas(540,26) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(542,17) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(544,43) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(545,34) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(546,34) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(550,43) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(559,12) Error: Illegal qualifierunit1.pas(588,63) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 7: Got "Pointer", expected "exit_type"unit1.pas(184,21) Hint: Found declaration: constructor TIsland.Create(const Terrain_type,const Char,const description_type,const LongInt,const LongInt,const LongInt,const exit_type);unit1.pas(607) Fatal: There were 18 errors compiling module, stopping
These errors relate to me modifying my code to try to use a TList. 
Could someone please look at my code and see if you can point of my errors and fixes.
Best Regards,Peter E WilliamsHobart, Australia


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