[Lazarus] TIBConnection + LCLNoGui + FreeBSD

Leonardo M. Ramé l.rame at griensu.com
Sun May 22 15:55:23 CEST 2011

On 2011-05-22 22:20:54 +1100, Alexander Klenin wrote:
> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 21:16, Mattias Gaertner
> <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de> wrote:
> >> TAChart needs to be refactored so as to have a non-GUI and GUI
> >> portion. This is the only true solution.
> >
> > A fpcanvas solution would be useful.
> TAChart already has FPCanvas back-end. See nogui demo for an example.

I compiled nogui demo on FreeBSD and I got this, on my Linux machine it
works (but I have X installed):

[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred 
  Exception=Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4
  Stack trace:
  $0000000000459302 line 275 of ../../tadrawerfpcanvas.pas
  $000000000045ADE3 line 344 of ../../tadrawutils.pas
  $0000000000659C99 line 634 of ../../tatypes.pas
  $00000000006575A9 line 666 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $000000000065725D line 689 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $000000000065827C line 915 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $0000000000452660 line 1052 of ../../tagraph.pas
  $0000000000450C69 line 711 of ../../tagraph.pas
TApplication.HandleException Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4
  Stack trace:
  $0000000000459302 line 275 of ../../tadrawerfpcanvas.pas
  $000000000045ADE3 line 344 of ../../tadrawutils.pas
  $0000000000659C99 line 634 of ../../tatypes.pas
  $00000000006575A9 line 666 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $000000000065725D line 689 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $000000000065827C line 915 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
  $0000000000452660 line 1052 of ../../tagraph.pas
  $0000000000450C69 line 711 of ../../tagraph.pas
exception at 0000000000790283:
Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4.

Leonardo M. Ramé

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