[Lazarus] TIBConnection + LCLNoGui + FreeBSD

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun May 22 23:22:19 CEST 2011

On Mon, 23 May 2011 08:10:36 +1100
Alexander Klenin <klenin at gmail.com> wrote:

> > If you expect to see the Color property as it is in the LCL, that will not
> > happen.
> Why? It is only a few lines of code.

It is not that simple. TColor supports some special color constants like
clBtnFace. This makes only sense in the LCL.

> > But using TFPColor as in fpCanvas should work in the LCL as well.
> Except it will not work with Object Inspector and is stylistically incompatible
> with quite large base of Delphi/Lazarus graphics application.

The OI has no problem with TFPColor. Just write a property editor.
But TFPColor does not support the LCL TColor constants, so we can not
simply replace "Color" with "FPColor".

> Lack of Color will force me to create TChart-specific versions of pen/brush/font
> despite all the other work you have done.

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