[Lazarus] Why does Lazarus insist on rebuilding the LCL?

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Mon May 23 12:22:39 CEST 2011


>> Also I noticed that in this dialog, when I select (from advanced
>> button) build LCL, then press build, it does exactly nothing at all.
>> This is after I changed one of the LCL's source files...
>> In the old dialog, I could do build LCL clean, but this option no
>> longer seems to exist?
> Correct.
> These are leftovers from older Lazarus versions.
> You can delete them.
> Mattias

I'm not sure I understand you on this.
What should I delete?

I used to be able to do a "build (clean) lcl" from within the IDE, now
I cannot anymore.
I made changes to maskedit.pp (for debugging purposes) and wanted to
rebuild the LCL, but after selecting the buildprofile LCL and pressing
Build, nothing happend.
When I rebuilt the application, it also did not rebuild the LCL.

Obviously I'm missing something here...

So, what now?


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