[Lazarus] Translator into Ukrainian

Maxim Ganetsky ganmax at narod.ru
Tue May 24 22:55:40 CEST 2011

25.05.2011 0:44, Mattias Gaertner пишет:
> On Tue, 24 May 2011 23:02:33 +0300
> Igor Paliychuk<mansonigor at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> I have one question,
>> We need to rename ukrainian po files from *ua.po into *uk.po or *uk_UA.po
>> because ua is not a valid language code (
>> http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Language-Codes). But
>> in Lazarus Options uk or uk_UA is not defined as Ukrainian(only ua does). So
>> seems somewhere in Lazarus source we need to add such definition (the
>> problem is i don't know where an how).
> There is no definition. The IDE uses the function
> LCLGetLanguageIDs of unit LCLProc.
> If someone used ua, then I guess the language id is ua on some system.

I think it was a mistake, all modern OS should have 'uk' ID for Ukrainian.

Best regards,
  Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:ganmax at narod.ru

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