[Lazarus] TFreeTypeFont Rotated Text
Leonardo M. Ramé
l.rame at griensu.com
Fri May 27 03:11:21 CEST 2011
On 2011-05-27 03:48:37 +0400, Alexander Klenin wrote:
> 2011/5/27 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> >> Well, yes, it does. Here is an example:
> >>
> >> http://www.freetype.org/freetype1/image/freetst2.png
> >
> > Ok, in that case please file a feature request in the bugtracker so I don't
> > forget.
> > (better yet if you could provide a patch ;) )
> >
> I am traveling now, so can't check, but if I recall correctly,
> nogui demo of TAChart does include rotated labels with freetype text.
Hi Alexander, I get this when I run noguidemo on Ubuntu 11.04 64bits.
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
Exception=Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4
Stack trace:
$000000000048A72A line 275 of ../../tadrawerfpcanvas.pas
$000000000048C2BB line 344 of ../../tadrawutils.pas
$0000000000617B6C line 634 of ../../tatypes.pas
$0000000000615348 line 666 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$0000000000614FF0 line 689 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$000000000061605C line 915 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$0000000000483753 line 1052 of ../../tagraph.pas
$0000000000481CFE line 711 of ../../tagraph.pas
$000000000042F188 line 39 of noguidemo.lpr
TApplication.HandleException Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4
Stack trace:
$000000000048A72A line 275 of ../../tadrawerfpcanvas.pas
$000000000048C2BB line 344 of ../../tadrawutils.pas
$0000000000617B6C line 634 of ../../tatypes.pas
$0000000000615348 line 666 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$0000000000614FF0 line 689 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$000000000061605C line 915 of ../../tachartaxis.pas
$0000000000483753 line 1052 of ../../tagraph.pas
$0000000000481CFE line 711 of ../../tagraph.pas
$000000000042F188 line 39 of noguidemo.lpr
exception at 000000000071FBBE:
Error 10 while making string bitmaps step 4.
Leonardo M. Ramé
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