[Lazarus] fpWeb FCGI Setup
silvioprog at gmail.com
Fri May 27 12:45:16 CEST 2011
2011/5/26 ABorka <fpc-devel at aborka.com>:
> OK, here is what I did to make your downloaded project work (was not
> trivial):
> 1. Unzipped it and moved everything to the same directories
> 2. Edited the project main .lpr file and changed it to
> ...<snip>...
> uses
> fpFCGI, Unit1, iniwebsession {for the error message}, custfcgi {for the
> poStripContentLength};
> begin
> Application.Port := 2015; //Port the FCGI application is listening on
> Application.ProtocolOptions := Application.ProtocolOptions +
> [poStripContentLength];//on windows, without this the response can be cut
> short
> Application.Initialize;
> Application.Run;
> end.
> ...<snip>...
> Note, without the iniwebsession we just get an exception complaining about
> it (this requirement should be removed from fpweb).
> Also, custfcgi is needed so we can add the protocolotions line, so on
> Windows the reply is not cut short by Apache (like error messages about the
> iniwebsession, for example).
> 3. in the httpd.conf
> LoadModule fastcgi_module
> "C:/xampp/apache/modules/mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll"
> <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
> ScriptAlias /myfcgi "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe"
> <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi">
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> FastCgiExternalServer "C:/xampp/htdocs/fcgi/test.exe" -host
> -idle-timeout 30 -flush
> 4. Start apache
> 5. Start the test.exe application from a cmd window
> 6. Navigate to from my browser to see:
> Test
> Note, your response generation only sends back the text "Test" instead of a
> proper web page. It should be at least something like
> Handled := True;
> AResponse.Content := '<html><body>Test</body></html>';
Oh, same error again. :S
Another error:
"Unit1.pas(1,1) Fatal: Can't find unit iniwebsession used by fcgiproject1".
I looked in every folder of Lazarus and did not find this unit. :(
My environment:
Lazarus 0.9.31 r30896 FPC 2.5.1 i386-win32-win32/win64
Windows: http://imagebin.org/155412
> AB
Silvio Clécio
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