[Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Is there an online tool for browsing library documentation and source code for FPC and Lazarus?
Graeme Geldenhuys
graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 19:05:39 CET 2011
2011/11/12 Frank Church <vfclists at ....>:
> I already know about these and use them, but it is very easy to lose your
> point of origin when you are navigating among the pages. Actually it is
> their shortcomings whch prompted me to ask this question.
Maybe have a look at fpGUI's DocView (INF documentation viewer). It's
not online, but rather offline help. Multiple INF documents can be
opened together and treated as a library of documentation. Searching
over all INF files is near instant. It has a History tab to show where
you are and have been. The TOC tree keeps track of where you are.
There is also a bookmarks feature so you can bookmark areas of
interest. There is also an annotations (add user comments) feature, so
you can quickly jump to a section of interest and user comments.
Integration of Docview into Lazarus IDE (or MSEide) is very simple
without requiring a recompile of the IDE - thus giving you context
sensitive help by simply placing the cursor somewhere in your code,
and pressing F1.
Older binary versions are available for download from:
Otherwise (recommended), compile the latest DocView from fpGUI's
source code. If you want I can also email you a docview binary and
pre-built INF help files in private.
Here is some screenshots of DocView from about a year ago:
- Graeme -
fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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