[Lazarus] How do use sockets?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 13:22:46 CET 2011

On 27/11/2011, Marcos Douglas <md at ...> wrote:
> Good job!

Most of the work and credit must really go to Peter Hinrichsen - I
simply ported that code to be FPC and cross-platform enabled.

> This support for n-tier is part of tiOPF or could be use alone?

It is part of tiOPF - the best way to write database applications (see
promo paragraph). ;-) The n-tier support is simply a new persistence
layer (like the existing Oracle, SqlDB, IBX, SQLite etc persistence
layers), but called Remote. The interface is exactly the same as all
the other persistence layers, that is why you can switch from local
storage (XML, CSV, TAB) to client/server, to n-tier (remote) without
changing a single line of code in your application. You can even
change between database components (SqlDB, IBX, dbExpress, DOA,
ZeosLib, FBLib etc) without changing a single line of code.

[promo hat on]
tiOPF has a nice demo (demo 18 - a simple address book demo) showing
how much code you can reuse by using tiOPF. The demo supports local
storage, client/server and n-tier. The application server has a GUI
user interface with a log window (very handy for debugging) and a
background Services implementation. The client side has CGI (web),
Console, and two GUI implementations. All business objects, business
rules and persistence are shared between all applications. All
persistence is validated via the unit test project. The demo even
includes a web deployment / auto-upgrade application - demonstrating
how you can deploy new versions of your application automatically to
your clients. This is a very extensive demo showing the true power of
tiOPF based applications.
[promo hat off]

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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