[Lazarus] Synchronize in Threads not working correctly on Gtk2 on Windows 32?

Bernd prof7bit at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 8 18:17:50 CEST 2011

2011/9/19 Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de>:

> I recently verified that TThread.Synchronize does work (in my testing
> program) in the current svn version of Lazarus. It did not work in some
> older versions.

IIRC there was a problem with older GTK2 versions (only really old
versions, Ubuntu Hardy and older) and TThread.Sychronize not working.
I can remember I was forced to work around this by implementing my own
synchronizing mechanism with PostMessage() and RTLEventWaitFor()
(sounds more complicated than it actually was, only a few lines of

There must be a thread about it here (but I can't remember its title)
and also I believe there was a demo program somewhere that
demonstrated this problem.

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