[Lazarus] Initial value of BidiMode in RightToLeft system

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 22:14:49 CEST 2011

I have English tools, but it work as Right to left forms, becuase it get the
BidiMode from the language, while i am not choose any language for my
That is not bug, it is wrong behavior.

application.inc line #111

  LCLGetLanguageIDs(LangDefault, LangFallback);
  if LangDefault <> '' then
    FBidiMode := Direction(LangDefault)
    FBidiMode := Direction(LangFallback);

This check must done manually by the developer when he choose new language
(RTL) or load it.

FPC 2.4.4
Lazarus last 32791

Zaher Dirkey
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